Friday, January 13, 2017

Question: "What can we learn from the life of David?"

Question: "What can we learn from the life of
Answer: We can learn a lot from the life of
David. He was a man after God’s own heart ( 1
Samuel 13:13-14 ; Acts 13:22 )! We are first
introduced to David after Saul, at the insistence
of the people, was made king ( 1 Samuel 8:5 ,
10:1 ). This choice of king, or even having an
earthly king at all, was against the will of God,
and although Saul was anointed by God through
Samuel, he did not measure up as God’s king.
While King Saul was making one mistake on top
of another, God sent Samuel to find His chosen
shepherd, David, the son of Jesse ( 1 Samuel
16:10 , 13 ). David was believed to be 12-16
years of age when he was called in from tending
his father’s sheep to be anointed as the true
king of Israel. As soon as the anointing oil
flowed down David’s head the Spirit of the Lord
departed from King Saul ( 1 Samuel 16:14 ). The
fact that evil spirits were tormenting Saul
brought David into the king’s service ( 1 Samuel
16:21 ). Saul was pleased with young David, but
this feeling vanished quickly as David rose in
strength to slay the Philistine giant, Goliath, and
win the overwhelming favor of the people ( 1
Samuel 17:45-51 ). The chant in the camp of
Saul was taunting as the people sang out the
praises of David and demeaned their king,
causing a raging jealousy in Saul that never
subsided ( 1 Samuel 18:7-8 ).
If you or someone you know has eked his way
through life amid strife, conflict and continuous
battles, then you might understand how David
lived and felt throughout his lifetime. Although
Saul never stopped pursuing him with the intent
to kill him, David never raised a hand against
his king and God’s anointed ( 1 Samuel 19:1-2 ,
24:5-7 ). He did, however, raise up a mighty
army and with power from God defeated
everyone in his path, always asking God first for
permission and instructions before going into
battle ( 2 Samuel 5:22-23 , 23:8-17 ). Throughout
the life of David, God honored and rewarded this
unconditional obedience of His servant and gave
him success in everything he did ( 2 Samuel
8:6 ).
David mourned King Saul’s death and put to
death the one claiming responsibility for Saul’s
death ( 2 Samuel 1:12-16 ). Only after Saul’s
death was David anointed king over the house
of Judah ( 2 Samuel 2:4 ), and even then he had
to fight against the house of Saul before being
anointed king over Israel at the age of thirty ( 2
Samuel 5:3-4 ). Now king, David conquered
Jerusalem and became more and more powerful
because the Lord Almighty was with him ( 2
Samuel 5:7 ). David was so enthralled with
bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem
that he omitted some of God’s instructions on
how to transport the Ark and who was to carry
it. This resulted in the death of Uzzah who,
amid all the celebrations, reached out to steady
the Ark, and God struck him down and he died
there beside it ( 2 Samuel 6:1-7 ). In fear of the
Lord, David abandoned the moving of the Ark for
three months and let it rest in the house of
Obed-Edom ( 2 Samuel 6:11 ).
After the Ark was in its rightful place, David
decided to build a temple of the Lord around it
( 2 Samuel 6:17 ). Because of David’s bloody,
battle-scarred record as well as his adulterous
relationship with Bathsheba and the slaying of
her husband, God denied his otherwise faithful
servant the honor of building the temple, the
house of the Lord ( 2 Samuel 6:5-14 ). This was
surely a blow to David, but God assured him He
would continue to make his name the greatest
on the earth and forever establish the throne of
David through David’s son, Solomon. Instead of
being angry with God and having a pity party,
David sat before the Lord, praising Him and
thanking Him for all the many blessings he had
received in his life ( 2 Samuel 7:18-29 ).
David’s battles did not end with his kingship but
continued with the surrounding nations and
within his own household. Throughout the life of
David, His sons connived and conspired to take
control of the kingdom and they, as did Saul,
threatened their own father’s life. And as with
the death of Saul, David mourned the death of
his beloved son Absalom, showing a passionate
and forgiving heart (2 Samuel chapters 15-18).
David’s broken heart and contrite spirit are what
brought him the forgiveness of God and are
what will bring him back to be the prince of
Christ during Christ’s millennial reign.

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