Friday, May 10, 2019

Create your own Shapefile in Arcgis

Create your own Shapefile in Arcgis
If you wish to map certain points of interest, routes, or polygons but cannot find a shapefile, you can create your own.  This tutorial explains the steps involved in creating and editing a shapefile.

Step 1:  Creating your Shapefile
Open ArcCatalog
Navigate to your project folder
From the menu, click File>New>Shapefile
Give your shapefile a name and select a geometry based on what type of features you are trying to draw
Use the Edit button to select the coordinate system that you are using in your ArcMap project
To have a full details on self training visit and request a copy of A-Z of Arcgis 

Step 2: Editing your Shapefile
Add your shapefile to your ArcMap project
Open the Attribute Table of your shapefile
 Using the Attribute Table Options button, use the Add Field button to add fields you want to keep track of.  For example, if plotting metro stations, you may want to add a field for the name or number of the stop.
Optional: Set the symbology of your fields now.  This will save time later when creating features.
Turn on the Editor toolbar by going to Customize>Toolbars>Editor
Click on the Editor button and push Start Editing
Make sure your shapefile is selected in the Create Features window on the right
The bottom of this window shows the different construction methods available for your shapefile.  Click on one to start drawing.  You’ll notice that your cursor turns into a cross.
Click on your map to place a vertex.  You can place multiple vertexes to trace a route on your map.

When finished drawing, right click and select Finish Sketch, alternatively you can push F2
To edit the attribute table for the feature you just created push the Attributes icon on the Editor toolbar.
All the editable fields for the feature you just created will appear.  This way you can label your features as you create them
When you’re done creating features click on the Editor button on the Editor toolbar and select Save Edits, and then Stop Editing
The symbology of the shapefile you just created can be manipulated like any other shapefile

 The snapping tool allows you to create features more accurately.  It will cause your cursor to snap to vertices, edges, and other features that you have created.  This will allow you to accurately place points on routes that you’ve created, or create polygons that do not overlap or have gaps between them.  To turn it on go to Customize>Toolbars>Snapping and turn the tool on in the toolbar that appears.
You can only edit the values in the Attribute Table of your shapefile while in Editing is turned on.
However, you cannot create new fields in the Attribute Table while Editing is turned on.  Create fields before starting an editing session.
If you set your symbology for your shapefile before you start the Edit session ArcMap will automatically create templates for your construction tool.

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