Saturday, November 19, 2016



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One other point us the area of managing finance/money.Let it be open,and plan what to do with the common purse together and agree together.I tell you,if it's the wife that can manage money well (as most godly women are prudent),let her be the one the one that controls  purse.It does not belittle d man.
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You  man being the head of the family is only for responsibility/effective management/accountability coordination;so that there'll not be chaos in d family,having two pilots controlling the aircraft. It dies not make you the best in everything.Rooney is not the best player in the English team,but he is the captain just because he can rally/manage his other team members together. 
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In fact fans boo him at times when he comes into the pitch to pray. I only got to know this principle after 18 years of our marriage.Before then,whenever I had money, I'll first attend to other people/friends/etc  that has problems,giving them almost all my money,; and now left with small for the family. And when the money has "flown away," because money has wings and can fly (go search your Bible to know where this is),my family will now be left to suffer. 
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Now,I've left the family purse with my wife.This is what works for me o. It might not be for all.But it is better to learn from my mistake of 18:years,so that you don't fall into it at all.PLEASE NO LAF ME O! GOD BLESS U.

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