Saturday, November 19, 2016


Image result for marriage and it lawsImage result for marriage and it laws

Marry a believer.No agreement between light and darkness,oil and water.Don't be in a hurry,saying there's no time,and then marry outside the Body of Christ.U are not in a race with anybody.There's a covenant blessing when you marry a believer,and there's a familiar spirit that trails people that are not covering children to their marriages 
 Image result for marriage and it lawsImage result for marriage and God
(2)Do not marry in a way of sexual passion.I mean, do not marry just because you want sex.Others marry because they want children,or social status. After you've gotten the sex u wanted, he/she can then abandon u.U marry because   u want to be one flesh/one team.Never confuse sex with love.Prostitute sell their body to customers for sex,they don't love d customer 
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(3) Do not marry to solve a problem,say,financial problem,etc.After that problem is solved,another one will come up.There'll always be challenges in relationship.

(4) Do not expect that it is marriage that will make u happy.If u are a sad person b4 marriage, you'll still remain sad after marriage. U are complete without marriage.

(5)Do not marry an image.I mean, do not marry  personality. Some say,I want to marry a doctor,some say a pastor or a sportsman. 

(6)Do not marry someone who promises u he'll change when he/she marries u.If he/she wants to change,let him/her change now.I know we all have character flaws.But if a man has strong anger or can't manage money,don't expect him to change after marriage.

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(7)Do not marry someone that is extremely jealous-someone that cannot stand you visiting your friends and families,or can't stand talking to them on phone. Such a one is dangerous.

(8)Investigate before u invest.What do I mean? Know the person u want to marry before you say "I do." Know what he does for a living,how much he earns where he lives,know his family members.Be sure he is responsible and can take card of the home,by the use of his hand and brain.If he is not transparent in sharing all these with u,he is not ready to become one body wit u.
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(9)Do not marry someone that is not accountable or submissive to anybody-not submissive to his pastor,his father/mother, an uncle or somebody u know u can report him to when he starts misbehaving.
I tell u,it's better to marry late than rush into it and regret later. If only we are careful and observant, we'll see the signs of some of the character traits of the woman or man you are buying into during courtship. We don't just heed d warnings/signs then. 

Let me know your comments,if any, for or against any of the points.SHALOM!

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