Saturday, November 19, 2016


 Image result for marriage and GodImage result for marriage and God
We just had our FAMILY CONFERENCE this week.I won't give you the gist for MARRIED COUPLES now until you get there. So I don't corrupt you. But one thing I'll tell you is that in marriage, the husband should know the first need of his wife,and d wife also should know the first need of her hubby.
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The first need of the wife is AFFECTION.Always say nice things about your wife,compliment her,show her that you care for her.Say nice thing to her when she puts on a nice wear or wears a new hairdo.All these "flexys" is for you.When the food is good, appreciate her and say "Thanks honey" for the sweet delicacy. Even if it's not sweet,still eat the whole thing and chew all the bones, lick soup. You can then get to "the other room" and tell her to improve on the cooks, but not in d open . Take her out to see movies.
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Take her to eat out at good restaurants once in a while.Do you know what day does to her? By taking her to a good eatery, you make her feel honoured, as you allowed someone to be waiting on her to take her orders. It saves her from staying in DAT hog kitchen all the time, and she comes out sweating,and smelling of Maggi cubes and crayfish.Celebrate her birthdays,wedding anniversary,change her wedding ring regularly And to you the wifey, the best need of the husband is good sex. 
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Hmmmmmm I heard you sighing. Now don't be too spiritual and holy,and condemn me that I am dirty. Forget about those things people say,that the best need of man is good food/respect/etc. Men are sight creatures, while women are feeling/emotional creatures.If a woman had a bad morning with d hubby st home,I tell ya,her whole day is messed up; whereas the man can go to work and have a great day, because of the day he's wired/compartmentalised. 
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Let a man tell you he's tired and goes to lie down in bed pretending he's sleeping; but let the wife come around to be by his side, the wife would be shocked to see that the man pretending to be asleep just wakes up. 
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Don't start guessing what follows of Friends, we all know that marriage is earthly, no marriage in heaven. But while here on earth,leg us use these earthly principles to make our marriages to be heaven on earth. GOD BLESS OUR HOMES IJMN! Amen!

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