Sunday, December 4, 2016

BUSTED 1 Part 1

BEEEEEHOOOLD……….Right from my Archives is yet ANOTHER THRILLER…..BUSTED

Part 1

Egerton University was a place full of sweet and agonizing moment.
I arrived at the institution full of ambition and zeal to study.
Being the only boy to make it to the university from my family, Everyone  at home was happy and were ready to support me.

Life in year one was a little bit harsh.
At one point, i would confuse my room number and dash to other peoples room!
It was embarrassing.

During lectures, we would run from one lecture
Room to another, we couldn’t afford missing lectures.

As days progressed, i slowly adapted and slotted in my new environment.

My roommate, Jeff was quick to Switch to this life. He had already acquired himself a companion as he used to say.
His girl was beautiful, social and radiant.

I vividly remember one  fateful  Friday, I was alone in my room watching a Hollywood movie after attending my Chemistry practical.
I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Welcome!" i shouted from inside.

"Hi Dan?" Beverlyn, Jef’s fiancee greeted,
streching her small hand to me.

"Am cool,” i replied.

"Where is Jeff? Have tried reaching him on phone but he is off" she asked with suspicion.

"Ooh, he took his phone for repair" i lied boldly.

"Ok, thanks, tell him to give me a call as soon as he arrive, i will go" she said as she walked towards  the door.

"Cool, but can you stay we can watch together" I convinced her.
She agreed to stay back.

There was silence in the room as we both glued our eyes on the laptop. It wasn’t long before

Beverly broke the silence.

"Dan?, am really fade up with this relationship, Jeff is always busy, he isn’t giving me his attention nowadays" She lamented with her hand tucked under her chin.

"Have you talked to him?" i asked.

"No, am afraid to ask, look, he found me a
Virgin girl...i was ready to lose it to the man I loved, immediately he broke it, he has been evading me, he doesn’t visit me the way he used to, he does not text, call and do everything he used
to, am worried" She said sorrowfully, looking desperate.

"Don’t worry i think there is something disturbing him, talk to him and find out what the matter is not with him," i consoled.
I knew Jeff was seeing another girl. I felt pity for this innocent young lady who was suffering in the hands of a guy who had no human heart.

"It’s ok," she said wetting her upper lip with the
lower lip. Just then, Jeff dashed into the room.

"Dan,i am a man, i told you i will...." He lost words almost immediately as his eyes rested on her woman.

"You will?  What’s that you have achieved Jeff?"
Beverly asked.

"Bebz nothing to worry, i just won my
Sportpesa bet i placed." Jeff boldly lied. It was on a Friday and no soccer game was being played.

He was smart. Earlier on, he vowed to down and screw the C.U chairlady and from the look on his face, he was coming from her house.

"So you had not taken your phone for repair?"
Beverly interrogated.

I quickly stared Jeff direct into the eyes, he was a smart guy, he quickly interpreted my look.

"Yea, from Njokerio,Infact i will pick it
tommorow, look i just borrowed this phone from my friend in Buru," Jeff explained confidently, as he showed her the phone.

"That was kind of your friend, God bless him" she Blessed smiling all along.

Jeff was a really smart guy, he exchanged his phone with Mary, as a proof, the sister in Christ was in his custody!
He excused himself to buy a drink.
He threw the phone on my bed as he walked out of the room.
I went through the phone quickly as Beverly rested on Jeff's bed.

Alas! Hundreds of Mary's photos were in the gallery.
Newly taken photos showing Jeff holding Mary were also there.
I wanted to tell Beverly,but i couldn’t.

Five minutes later, Jeff returned with a litre of coke in his hand.
As he served her a glass of coke Beverly requested,

"Dan, can i have that phone please?"

Episode 2 LOADING::::

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