Sunday, December 4, 2016

BUSTED Part 6.....

BUSTED Part 6.....
I sat pensively at Mama Ngina resting place near
the flowers with my palms fixed in my pockets.
The cold wind blew swiftly, numbing my feets
and stimulating goose pimples all over my skin.
My teeth knocked against each other rapidly,my
muscles trembled. The cold made me more
terrified of going back to my room.
I didnt know what to do next, i wanted to be all
alone with myself.
I thought it was better to die than being
confronted by a boy over allegations of a girl i
havent even kissed with my consent.
Just then my phone started ringing, it was
"Hi Dan? a--re you?" she stammered on
phone,i sensed danger. And my worst fears had
been proven right; Jef has concluded we fucked.
"Am ok, am outside M'ngina, whats up?" i
curiosly asked.
"Please dont go back to your room, Jef said you
lied that you were at your friends house in
tatton and you were at my place," she said with
a shaky voice,panting.
"Mh.. W-hy, what a-r you?" i stammered. My
mouth went dry.
My heart beat increased, the blood surged in
my veins with higher pressure.
Beverlyn came straight to where i was.
She was bleeding from her nose with her top
torned under the armpits!
Hell had broken loose.
She narrated to me how Jef assulted
her ,accusing her of being a unfaithful and
called her names.
They started to argue and thats resulted in a
fight that saw Bever being hit at the nose
bridge. She said that when blood oozed from
her nose,she struggled to escape.
I heard my phone vibrate, it was a text message
from Jef, i read it loudly to Beverlyn,
"You fool, i swear i will get my knife between
your heart,"
I didnt reply. This was getting out of hand, i was
terrified but i stayed strong infront of Beverlyn.
"Why didnt you tell him the truth?" i asked
Bever who at this time was silent.
"I tried to,he couldnt listen to me, why didnt
you tell him the truth?" she replied amid sobs.
"Lets go to the security," she suggested.
But i brashed off her idea coz i thought it was
nt necessary.
Time was running, i escorted Beverlyn back to
her room and left for Buruburu where my
friend Isaac lived.
"Niaje mtu wangu?" Isaac greeted ,
"Niko poa, Sema exile" i lied, shaking my head
continously as we shaked hands.
"Ooh, thats life," Isaac calmly said as he closed
his books on the table.
Throughout the night i was wondering what to
do. How i will convince Jef i didnt drill her
He kept on sending me threatening mesages that
i kept to myself,without sharing with Isaac.

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