Sunday, December 4, 2016

BUSTED I# part_5

BUSTED I# part_5
My heart was beating hard in my chest, my legs
started to shake.
Thoughts of regrets flashed my minds.
I wish i knew, i would not have come.
I gazed in the direction where Beverlyn was
sitting. She was unmoved, peherps regreting
what she just did.
My underpants were below the bed, i quickly
dressed up awaiting to defend myself should
Bever dare open the door.
There was total silence
Inside the room.
Just then my phone vibrated, i quickly checked
just to find out it was a text mesage from Jef.
'Hey Dan, where are you? Am from Bever's
house she aint there,"
I quickly replied to his text telling him am in
Tatton and that i will be at our room in ten
minutes time.
I was relieved.
I was confident that Jef wasnt at Bever's door.
Without a warning i dashed out and walked
straight to my room.
I passed by JCR to have a cup of tea before
going to my room.
I paid for the tea and sat in the far corner, as
I sipped on my tea i watched other students buy
their dinner, they came in TWOs, a boy and a
Just then, a group of four young ladies ordered
their supper and sat near to where i was.
They started conversing about trending fashion
and new hair style in the campus.
Suddenly their conversation changed from
fashion to love and relationship.
They lamented on the way men nowadays are
only vagina hungry and not after love.
One of the lady narrated how his ex boyfie
dumped her only 2weeks of dating for her
I didnt pay attention for long. I left immediately
after finishing sipping my tea.
Jef was in the washroom when i arrived.
As i rested on my bed, Jef crept in, he looked
worried and full of thoughts.
"Hey Dan, where is Mary's phone?" he asked
with a low tone,
"Here it is," i replied as i checked my pockets.
Gosh! It wasnt there!
I become nervous as i counterchecked my
pockets in disbelief!
"I-I- I had it in my pocket, peherps i dropped it
in my friends room in Tatton," i lied.
This is the time it dawned to me that, it slipped
out of my trousers pocket while at Bever's
I decided to fake a call and pretended to be
talking to my friend.
I lied to Jef that i have just confirmed the phone
was in my friends room.
I excuzed myself to go get it.
I hurriedly walked to Bever's room.
I wouldnt wish Jef to learn that i was at his
girlfriends room!
Unfortunately,Bever wasnt in her room the
moment i arrived there
I called her to inquire where she was.
"Hae? Where are you?" i asked her,
"At your place," she replied.
"Please , i need the phone," i pleaded with her.
"Phone?, i just gave it to Jef" i heard her say as
i disconnected the call.
Thats the least i expected.
What will Jef think of me??BUSTED
Part 5
My heart was beating hard in my chest, my legs
started to shake.
Thoughts of regrets flashed my minds.
I wish i knew, i would not have come.
I gazed in the direction where Beverlyn was
sitting. She was unmoved, peherps regreting
what she just did.
My underpants were below the bed, i quickly
dressed up awaiting to defend myself should
Bever dare open the door.
There was total silence
Inside the room.
Just then my phone vibrated, i quickly checked
just to find out it was a text mesage from Jef.
'Hey Dan, where are you? Am from Bever's
house she aint there,"
I quickly replied to his text telling him am in
Tatton and that i will be at our room in ten
minutes time.
I was relieved.
I was confident that Jef wasnt at Bever's door.
Without a warning i dashed out and walked
straight to my room.
I passed by JCR to have a cup of tea before
going to my room.
I paid for the tea and sat in the far corner, as
I sipped on my tea i watched other students buy
their dinner, they came in TWOs, a boy and a
Just then, a group of four young ladies ordered
their supper and sat near to where i was.
They started conversing about trending fashion
and new hair style in the campus.
Suddenly their conversation changed from
fashion to love and relationship.
They lamented on the way men nowadays are
only vagina hungry and not after love.
One of the lady narrated how his ex boyfie
dumped her only 2weeks of dating for her
I didnt pay attention for long. I left immediately
after finishing sipping my tea.
Jef was in the washroom when i arrived.
As i rested on my bed, Jef crept in, he looked
worried and full of thoughts.
"Hey Dan, where is Mary's phone?" he asked
with a low tone,
"Here it is," i replied as i checked my pockets.
Gosh! It wasnt there!
I become nervous as i counterchecked my
pockets in disbelief!
"I-I- I had it in my pocket, peherps i dropped it
in my friends room in Tatton," i lied.
This is the time it dawned to me that, it slipped
out of my trousers pocket while at Bever's
I decided to fake a call and pretended to be
talking to my friend.
I lied to Jef that i have just confirmed the phone
was in my friends room.
I excuzed myself to go get it.
I hurriedly walked to Bever's room.
I wouldnt wish Jef to learn that i was at his
girlfriends room!
Unfortunately,Bever wasnt in her room the
moment i arrived there
I called her to inquire where she was.
"Hae? Where are you?" i asked her,
"At your place," she replied.
"Please , i need the phone," i pleaded with her.
"Phone?, i just gave it to Jef" i heard her say as
i disconnected the call.
Thats the least i expected.
What will Jef think of me??

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