Sunday, December 4, 2016

BUSTED I Part 4...

Part 4...

That fateful Friday was my worst day in my life.
I was a changed man, depression took the
better part of me ,affecting my studies
The first semester of my first year, i had already
recorded 5Fs!

I remember vividly Bever's intentions that day.
As heavy rains continued to pour outside, my
five senses were being washed away.
I was sweating with my heart beating like never

"Are you afraid?" Bever whispered in my ear,
"Lets not do this please," i pleaded.

"Come on, it has been long since i tasted
something hard,Jeff aint giving me" she said
naughtly as she stuck her tongue in my mouth!
My body went cold, inside my park,my
unvenomous Troserius snake wasnt ready for a

"Kiss me," i heard her beg as she tried to engulf
my lower lips in her wet soft tasting lips.

"I cant," i rattled as i tried to push her away.

"Jeez! What kind of a man are you?" she
exclaimed. I didnt answer. I breathed in heavily.

"Ok strip," she said softly.

"Never, no!" i barked. I wondered what kind of
a lady Beverlyn was.
She was so bold and commanding.

"If you aint going to strip, i will scream and
shout you want to Rape me!" she blackmailed

She was desparate to have the bone in her

"If she screams, am in trouble," i thought to
I slowly unzipped my trouser dropping it on the
ground along with my boxer.
I removed the t-shirt i was having.

She then, pulled me on the bed and hugged me,
her medium sized bosom warmed my chest,with
her already hard nipple piercing my skin in situ.

Just then, the lights came, i quickly grabbed the
pillow and covered my harmless trouser snake!

"Why that shy boy? You want me to scream?"
she said looking so horny.
I had no otherwise bt to drop the pillow as i stared down shyly.

"Are you bisexual?!" she exclaimed with a
terrified look.
I swallowed bitterly, nodded and wished a bomb
could strike and kill both of us!
I had kept this secret for along time.
Only mum knew of it.
I feared dating coz several ladies walked on me
the moment i took them to bed.

I took my clothes tensely with my face down,
Beverlyn was seated at the edge of her bed with
a towel wrapped around her body with her
hand on her cheeck....
Outside it was not raining anymore.

As i dressed up in my tishirt, i heard a knock on
the door.
I hurriedly searched for my under pants wich
were missing.

" Bever i know you are in,open the door," Jef's
voice shouted from outside.
It was this time i knew hell had broken loose!!


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